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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Special PVDF 1/16 X .415 Micro Pin

special/custom 1/16 X .415 micro pvdf pin per print - Engineered Source is a supplier and distributor of special and custom pvdf pins like this 1/16 X .415, serving Santa Ana, Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego, Inland Empire, California, United States, Mexico

We supply a number of PVDF pin parts like this 1/16 X .415 version to a customer that deals largely with water treatment applications.  Together with a variety of other special hardware parts we supply this special pin on an annual blanket as-released purchase order basis.  We try to maintain a minimum 6 month supply to provide our customer optimal flexibility.

Special 10-16 X 1/2 Phil Pan Hi-Lo In 316 Stainless Steel, Chrome Plated

Special/custom 10-16 X 1/2 phillips pan hi-lo screw in 316 stainless steel chrome plated - engineered source is a supplier and distributor of special import and domestic hi-lo parts in 316 stainless steel - serving Santa Ana, Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego, Inland Empire, California, United States, Mexico

These parts are manufactured overseas and supplied to our customer on a blanket as-released purchase order basis.  We originally supplied this 10 X 1/2 phil pan hi-lo in plain 316 stainless steel material but at some point our customer needed additional corrosion resistance in their application.  At that point we had our inventory supply barrel plated to the pictured chrome finish and all future imported parts would come in already chrome plated.  Domestic chrome finish, whether barrel plated or individually racked, typically has a much brighter finish than the finish found on large volume imported parts.